求北倾的《他与爱同罪》小说百度云资源,要全文+番外 谢谢啦!!谢谢
题的过程中,世界各国和地区的专家学者和保险业从业者做出了许多理论和实践上的探索. 近几年来,寿险资金投资在我国发展迅猛,投资资 金规模不断增长,投资对象不断扩大,再加上我国金融混业的雏形已渐显现,各种金融资产互相犬牙交错,风险在不同金融行业间的传递已成为现实.而寿险业的性质又决定它不能承担太高的风险,怎样控制投资风险就成为了我国寿险业必须面临的一个议题. 本文以我国寿险业资金投资的现实为基础,并借鉴了国外寿险业发达国家的经验,对改进和完善我国寿险资金投资风险管理体系做一些研究.结构安 排主要是从寿险投资的宏观监管、外部信用评级机制的完善以风险管寿险公司自身投资风险管理体系的建设三个层次来讨论这个问题,并对此提出了一些个人的看法与建议.
关键词:寿险业 资金投资 风险管理
Abstract: Further integration of the world economy continuously stimulating international petition and financial innovation, the investment of life insurance funds has bee essential to the survival and development of life insurance panies, directly or indirectly determining the pricing of life insurance products and relative panies' operating performance. However, high-yield goes hand in hand with high-risk. Investors have to bear the pressure of loss when they step in high-yield field. Misfortune did happen in the past. Life insurance industry, therefore, has to find effective balance between enjoying the high-yield of investment and reducing the investment risk to an acceptable minimum. Many people have got involved in the task and made much exploration, both theoretically and practically. China has seen a rapid development of life insurance funds investment in recent years. The scale broadened largely and investment tools diversified continuously, the tendency of mixed financial industry has emerged in virtue. Therefore, risks are prone to be transferred in different ...............
摘要:随着世界经济的一体化逐步加深,竞争日趋激烈,创新不断,寿险资金投资已成为维持寿险公司生存与发展的必不可少的环节,它直接或间接的决定着寿险产品的定价和寿险公司的经营绩效.但风险总是和收益共存,寿险资金投资带来高收益的同时也给寿险业带来了承担风险损失的压力.那么寿险业就面临着既要享受投资带来的高收益的同时又要把投资风险降低到可以接受的最低程度的难题,在解决这个难题的过程中,世界各国和地区的专家学者和保险业从业者做出了许多理论和实践上的探索. 近几年来,寿险资金投资在我国发展迅猛,投资资金规模不断增长,投资对象不断扩大,再加上我国金融混业的雏形已渐显现,各种金融资产互相犬牙交错,风险在不同金融行业间的传递已成为现实.而寿险业的性质又决定它不能承担太高的风险,怎样控制投资风险就成为了我国寿险业必须面临的一个议题. 本文以我国寿险业资金投资的现实为基础,并借鉴了国外寿险业发达国家的经验,对改进和完善我国寿险资金投资风险管理体系做一些研究.结构安 排主要是从寿险投资的宏观监管、外部信用评级机制的完善以风险管寿险公司自身投资风险管理体系的建设三个层次来讨论这个问题,并对此提出了一些个人的看法与建议.
关键词:寿险业 资金投资 风险管理
Abstract: Further integration of the world economy
continuously stimulating international petition and financial innovation, the investment of life insurance funds has bee essential to the survival and development of life insurance panies, directly or indirectly determining the pricing of life insurance products and relative panies' operating performance. However, high-yield goes hand in hand with high-risk. Investors have to bear the pressure of loss when they step in high-yield field. Misfortune did happen in the past. Life insurance industry, therefore, has to find effective balance between enjoying the high-yield of investment and reducing the investment risk to an acceptable minimum. Many people have got involved in the task and made much exploration, both theoretically and practically. China has seen a rapid development of life insurance funds investment in recent years. The scale broadened
largely and investment tools diversified continuously, the tendency of mixed financial industry has emerged in virtue. Therefore, risks are prone to be transferred in different ...............
求北倾的《他与爱同罪》小说百度云资源,要全文+番外 谢谢啦!!谢谢